The boys are back together! After their vacay to the Ments, they dial back to Indo to speak to Jemma Scott who is currently serving the Lord through 'Sail4Purpose' and Jono Bailey coming from the Sunny Coast. They touch on the journey of the Surfers Bible and how you can play a huge part in placing them in the hands of those who need to hear the Good News! The SURFATHON!!! October 28th. Put it in your diaries, journals, tell your mum even. She can help too! You can sign up and participate or donate to those participating…
National gathering 2023 was a wild one to say the least. Perched up in the little old surf shack town of Dodges Ferry; named after a guy named Dodge who apparently liked to dodge the dole reporting as well, we found that CS fitted quite nicely into this small surf community. It goes to show that the power of worship, prayer & even just the small acts of kindness really do make waves across the places we dwell…
“Getting the deep understanding that there are people like you all around Australia, who you have connection and family with under the name of CS has been pretty phenomenal! I’ve felt encouraged and seen like never before, and I’ve also seen God like never before. My non-surfing friends will testify, I won’t shush about how awesome and inspiring these people are.”