
Your local mission may be eligible to apply for a grant to assist with the everyday running of you mission or perhaps for a local event. If you are applying for a local mission you may be able to do this independently, however if this is for a regional event or special event you may need to obtain information such as ACNC charity status or ABN details from the National Office. If this is the case please contact the National Office providing a short summary including the grant and information on what you will be applying for. This may need to be approved by the CSA Board in a meeting depending on the nature of the grant.

Please find some helpful tips below on writing winning grants.


The first challenge is finding a grant. Here is a list of some websites that have grant opportunities available at different times.

  • GrantConnect is the Australian Government’s centralised grants information system.

  • The Sports Community website.

  • Bendigo Bank – Community Enterprise™ Foundation is the charitable arm of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. Through the Foundation we are able to create a pool of money to help build stronger communities through funding programs for families, youth, health, education, the environment, the arts and lots more.


  • Carefully read all the guidelines and application forms before you start. Look at what types of projects have received funding in the past.

  • If completing the grant application online, save and complete the grant on your computer. This will enable you to spell check your document which you can’t usually do with the online application. You can also conduct a word count as often grants have a word limit for each response. When completed you can cut and paste your answers into the online application. You can also update the saved results for future grant applications as often grant applications require similar information.

  • Most grant applications will require a brief history of your organisation or local mission group. Provide examples of what experience you mission has had with running events/projects in the past.

  • Describe how your project will meet the grant objectives and why the project is needed. Be specific, achievable within a 12-month time frame, relate to a distinct geographical location and provide real outcomes that are easily measurable. Projects that are funded are projects that are seen to affect or involve as many people as possible and that have a broad community appeal or a project that will provide long term benefits to the local community.

  • Support your application with facts and figures. Consider contacting your local council for statistics on your community. The Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Australian Sports Commission websites have valuable statistical data that may support your submission.

  • Work out your budget. Obtain quotes if necessary and list all the expenses and income relating to the project. If successful in obtaining the grant you will need to provide records of expenditure to the funding body after the event so keep all receipts and invoices.

  • Outline how you will measure the success of the project describing your evaluation methods.

  • Be aware of the application deadline and leave plenty of time to complete.

  • Make sure you receive confirmation that your application has been received and keep a record of your application.

  • If successful, keep the funding body up to date with the progress and related expenditure for the project.