Last week I climbed a ladder at my mum's house with the aim of cleaning out her gutters. Her house is on a slope so, at one end, it was easy going but the further along I went, the harder it was to postion the ladder so I could reach the roof. The last section of guttering proved impossible because, no matter how I positioned the ladder, I could not bridge the gap. I needed help.
Sometimes in the offices of CSA we feel a bit like I did that day. We have so much we want to achieve and we can see the task at hand but, because of funding or circumstance, we just can't bridge the gap between our vision 'to share the good news of Jesus with surfers across Australia' and our capabilities.
But we're optimistic because we know that, for God, anything and everything is possible.
Our annual Support Your Tribe fundraiser kicks off this week with excitement and hope. We already have so much to be thankful for.
CSA currently has 22 mission hubs covering multiple surf communities and reaching hundreds of surfers every week.
CSA has 121 active mission leaders, trained and supported by 8 regional coordinators and a National Director.
277 tribe members have joined this year alone.
But the mission field is large.
Along 36,000 km of coastline, on 12,000 beaches, there are 218 boardriders clubs that have more than 20,000 local members.
Approx 420,000 people surf in Australia at least once a year.
So, while our existing hubs are doing an amazing work serving their local communities and seeing lives transformed, there are obvious gaps.
For every 1 CS leader, there's 163 surfers that are members of a boardriders club.
For every 1 CS mission hub, there's 10 boardriders clubs.
For every 1 CS leader, there's 3,442 regular surfers and 20,491 recreational surfers.
So, it goes without saying, we need your help to bridge the gaps.
Please pray for Support Your Tribe as we aim to raise vital funds for the work and future of CSA.
Please prayerfully consider what you can donate this month.
Help us see the gaps closed with thriving mission hubs in more locations. Help us to train and support developing leaders, and support our existing staff to ensure longevity and effectiveness.
This is God's work. Let's fund it properly. Let this be the month you decide to partner with CSA and, together, let's let the world know who Jesus is and what a difference he can make.
Let's support this mighty tribe. Let's let the surfing community know that Jesus has come FOR THEM.
From all the CSA family, thank you so much to all who give generously.
May God bless you richly.