What inspired you to start the Cronulla mission?
A wild mix of everything really! I first came to CS through the National Gathering in Stanwell Tops (2022) because I saw it on Insta and thought, "surfing and Jesus, what could be better?". I won't lie, it was a bit scary to go to something I knew nothing about, but I very quickly fell in love with the joyful, crazy, and authentic fellowship. People who made everyone feel welcome, regardless of their walk of life and surfing ability. Things like getting tips from old sea dogs, being encouraged and cheered on waves (despite how often I nose-dived), and even just realising that bringing Jesus up in a convo was totally normal.
After Gathering I found myself missing everyone like crazy, so I went to as many things as possible, and eventually, through a Godly appointment, ended up camping next to a bunch of CS crew from Maroubra. From there, I joined them for surfs, camps, and Bible studies, and felt inspired to rekindle that community in Cronulla. I was also reading Brett Davis' book ‘Groundswell’ and found it pretty crazy to see familiar names and addresses from before I'd ever thought about surfing.
One day I just messaged the legend himself, Dave Lovell, asking how I could get more involved because I had kind of reached a point where I couldn’t shake the feeling that Cronulla needed something like this. From that moment it was just doors opening. The old Cronulla crew had been praying for someone to step up, and all of a sudden a girl who had been riding a foamie for a grand total of a year and a half, was simultaneously in awe, and in an argument with God and the idea that He wanted her (a total kook) to restart the Cronulla mission.
The weekend I met the Maroubra crew by making fun of their fire (which I later sat around).
Two local spots I would sit and photograph as God stirred His heart for Cronulla to mine.
How has CS shaped and impacted your life?
Well, as of writing this at the end of December, 2022, I’m looking back over the year, and I am absolutely amazed that it was only in April that I found CS. That’s 8 months of my life where I have seen God’s faithfulness, community, friendships, and of course, surfing, on a whole new level. Getting the deep understanding that there are people like you all around Australia, who you have connection and family with under the name of CS has been pretty phenomenal! I’ve felt encouraged and seen like never before, and I’ve also seen God like never before. My non-surfing friends will testify, I won’t shush about how awesome and inspiring these people are.
I think that the most powerful thing about CS is its heart toward people. Let’s be real, we all experience loneliness. In fact, 1 in 2 Australians have shared they often feel lonely, or as though they don’t have anyone to turn to! (Pai & Vella, 2021; Swinburne University of Technology, 2020). Yet in CS, everyone seems to belong, no matter their denomination, surfcraft, or lifestyle, and everyone genuinely wants to get to know and support you. It’s that authentic thing again. Surfers are raw and Christian surfers are something else. Even just some of the grommies I met in Coffs recently, like man do they have some anointing and favour upon their life! Genuinely believe they’ll reach hundreds through their surfing. I could talk about the people I’ve met for days if anyone could handle my voice for that long!
Young adults, and families coming down on a Saturday morning - one early morning with all the girls.
Tips and tricks for other crew looking to start up their own mission.
Biggest tip: step out in faith. If you have even the slightest desire or passion, find your regional coordinator, find a leader figure in your area, and share your ideas and dreams. “But I suck at surfing” - me too. It’s the biggest honour to see God move in, and despite your weakness. “But I don’t know what to do” - He does. And I know that as you chase His heart, things are going to fall into place, doors will open, more leaders will come. God, ultimately, is good and loving. When you see that in the creation around you, and feel it as you surf, you can’t help but want other people to see it too. There are people across Australia cheering you on, and our God, the one who made the universe, and those waves you froth over, the same one who loves and cares for you, is cheering you on as well. Go show His love to others in your own unique way! And never be afraid to message one of us for a chat.